
Lyndon Hood - squeee, Wellington

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Things to blog about:

Men At Work. Will I get in trouble if I say that, when I was in Australia, I saw a kookaburra sit in an old gum tree? Post could include reference to Neil Gaiman.

The neurology of getting jokes. Could also mention Neil Gaiman.

The general use of the words 'satire' and 'caricature' with specific reference to DPF's review of Vernon God Little. Did I mention Neil Gaiman's coming to Wellington?

The way I'll be be performing in the Wellington improvathon at the Wellington Performing Art Centre on Sat, midnight to 6 and 6 to midnight shifts. Follow the increasing incoherent tweets at @WITonline. @neilhimself will almost certainly not be there.

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